Declaration of Noda as a City of Well-being, Sports, and Culture


ページ番号 1039138 更新日  令和5年8月25日 印刷 大きな文字で印刷

Declaration of Noda as a City of Well-being, Sports, and Culture

Declaration of Noda as a City of Well-being, Sports, and Culture

Well-being is the wish of all of us in Noda City, and the source of the city’s vitality. In order to have rich, active, and healthy lives for our lifetimes, we maintain both physical and mental health.

What is more, we take pride in the history and culture cultivated by our predecessors and in the rich natural environment. All people, from children to adults, with or without disabilities, can interact with each other through sports and cultural activities. We aim to deepen interpersonal exchange, nurture rich minds and bodies, and create a “liveable city with dreams” and “a city where people can build healthy and cheerful families”, and hereby declare Noda a “City of Well-being, Sports, and Culture”.

1 We will cultivate interest in well-being, become familiar with sports,and develop rich minds and bodies.
1 We will learn about the history and traditions of our hometown,take pride in our rich culture and abundant nature, and pass them down to the next generation.
1 We will maintain well-being, improve citizens’ life experiences through sports and cultural activities, connect to social and community development, and expand the circle of a bright and lively community.



A state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.(Constitution of WHO)


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〒278-8550 千葉県野田市鶴奉7番地の1